
Sunday, 12th April

Happy Easter! Today we celebrate the most important feast in all the Christian life. Christ is risen from the dead. It is precisely the peak of Christian life, and the whole humanity for the simple reason that He is the only one that was able to do so, and through his resurrection we are also given life. There is hope beyond your life, even if there is a smell of darkness and even death on it! Click here to view.

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Friday 3rd April

The first for the series, is the feast typically celebrated here in Malta of our Lady of Sorrow. In this celebration we would like to connect with the pain of others – as Mary did – and we equally remember the pain, suffering and responsibility parents especially mothers endure for us. Click here to view.

Sunday, 5th April

Today the Church celebrates Palm Sunday; it is the moment when Jesus entered Jerusalem with a crowd following and cheering him as King. Contrary to this historic event of social gathering, this year, unfortunately, we cannot gather together as one in following the Lord. Click here to view.

Thursday, 9th April

Today as a Church we remember the day Jesus gathered his friends and shared one last meal. What an eventful evening! Through the celebration of the Eucharist, it continues to mark and define the Christian life. At the moment we are being asked not to celebrate together as a community these celebrations, yet we, as a family and household still share the meal together, even if we fail to recognise and appreciate its power. Click here to view.

Friday, 10th April

Today the Church commemorates Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the Cross. For the Christian is the most sorrowful day, yet also the most hopeful. Someone dared to show his love to the ultimate point of giving his life for you and me on a cross. Wait… why the cross? And why he had to die? Click here to view.